We supported frontline partners in providing better care and instituting systemic change

Commercial Sexual Exploitation


There are an estimated 5 million victims of commercial sexual exploitation worldwide.

Of those, approximately 1 million are children, and 99% are women and girls. Globally, many organizations work to rescue victims in their communities. Despite valiant efforts, these types of interventions are under-resourced and unable to reach sufficient scale to sustainably reduce commercial sexual exploitation (CSE). As a result, traffickers continue to operate with impunity. 

In many contexts, the surrounding environment enables continued perpetration of CSE, which is as important as reducing the supply of vulnerable individuals and demand for sexual services.

We developed solutions that end CSE sustainably

To make sustainable impact on the fight against CSE, we need solutions that target the systems perpetuating modern slavery. Importantly, these solutions need to go beyond rescue and prosecution, doing more to prioritize and address survivor needs. GFEMS: 

  • Works with individuals, families, and communities to reduce their vulnerability to tactics like deception and enables them to recognize, avoid, and report traffickers
  • Invests in survivor care and alternative livelihood options to promote financial independence and to prevent re-trafficking
  • Works with local partners like law enforcement, the judiciary systems, government, and civil society to provide training, tools, and solutions for commonly faced challenges
  • Builds capacity for local and regional governments to improve systems, provide training, create more victim-centered processes, and create effective protective systems for survivors.

We invested in new-to-field research

GFEMS incorporates rigorous monitoring and evaluation activities into all of our CSE projects to help us and our partners gain a true understanding of what really works to reduce CSE. 

Beyond project-based research, GFEMS is making field building investments in evidence. The nature of CSE creates a challenge for calculating accurate estimates of the scope and scale of CSE. Adapting social science research methods from other disciplines, we are working on new ways to achieve more accurate prevalence measurements in CSE hotspots around the world.

Commercial Sexual Exploitation |


Partner Spotlight: Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation

Project: Safe and Sound: Ha Giang

Despite the heightened risk of trafficking in Vietnam’s Ha Giang province, no trafficking survivors reported receiving reintegration support prior to Blue Dragon’s intervention. By strengthening channels of coordination and information-sharing between government officials and various stakeholder groups, Blue Dragon supported the provincial government agencies to implement a provincial-level referral system to identify trafficking victims and refer them for services.  For the first time, Ha Giang authorities referred or directly provided reintegration support.

To ensure this support is survivor-centric and trauma-informed, Blue Dragon also led a training program to better prepare social workers engaging directly with survivors. One program graduate explained the significance of the training: “We used to attend training on the local policies and regulations relating to trafficking in persons, but this is the first time ever we have been trained on how to work with survivors to support them effectively.”

Partner: Blue Dragon Children’s Fund

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