NORC is one of the Global Fund’s primary research partners in Kenya and Bangladesh.

NORC at the University of Chicago

  • Apparel
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  • Commercial Sexual Exploitation
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  • Ethical Recruitment
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    NORC conducted an RMG Law and Policy Analysis Study that focuses on the informal apparel sector to research gaps in Bangladesh’s legal framework, barriers to enforcement, and the role of law and prosecution in reducing prevalence. The study was conducted in two phases.

    NORC is currently conducting a rigorous prevalence estimation study in Bangladesh to determine the prevalence of forced labor in the apparel industry.

    While communities are generally opposed to sexual exploitation, victim blaming is the norm.

    GFEMS contracted NORC to evaluate changes in knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards commercial sexual exploitation in coastal Kenya. This baseline survey briefing shows that little awareness of the psychosocial affects trafficking can have on victims and survivors, and the stigma against is strong. Learn more:

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    This study uses a link-tracing approach to sample returned migrants in the Nairobi metro area and determine the proportion of migrants that experienced conditions of forced labor during their time abroad in GCC countries.

    This study will evaluate the impact of IOM’s IRIS Capacity Building Program (IRIS CBP). It will assess the extent to which private recruitment agencies (PRA) that participate in the program are able to transition towards more ethical recruitment practices.

    An estimated 6,356 children in Kilifi, Kwale, and Mombasa are currently engaged in commercial sexual exploitation.

    Our recent prevalence study, conducted by NORC with support from Kantar Public, shows their parents are largely unaware of their children’s involvement in commercial sex. To learn more about these findings, read more.

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    The study implements a difference in differences (DiD) approach to compare the change in knowledge attitudes and practices of targeted communities. In addition to general knowledge of and attitudes towards CSEC, the study will assess community members’ knowledge of and use of referral mechanisms promoted by the projects.

    This study uses a link-tracing approach to draw a sample of individuals engaged in CSE. From this sample, it estimates the proportion of the population engaged in CSEC and identifies salient features of the nature of CSEC in three coastal counties: Kwale, Kilifi, and Mombasa. This is a two time point study.

    In the spring of 2021, GFEMS commissioned a series of interrelated studies to assess the short, medium, and long-term impacts of COVID-19 on vulnerable populations in key sectors in Kenya and Uganda and identify ways in which GFEMS-funded programming can be adapted to better support them. The studies revealed increased vulnerability to forced labor conditions among migrant workers and increasing pressure on vulnerable children to engage in the commercial sex industry.

    One case study will be conducted for each of the interventions funded in Kenya funded by the U.S. State Department. The studies will assess the appropriateness of intervention modalities in the East African context, the manner in which they address structural drivers of modern slavery, and the vulnerabilities of target populations.

    About NORC at the University of Chicago

    NORC at the University of Chicago is an objective, nonpartisan research organization that delivers insights and analysis decision-makers trust.

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