Sattva is helping shift industry standards to end forced labor in the construction industry.


  • Construction
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    Sattva is leading a consortium of GFEMS partners to sustainably reduce prevalence in India’s construction sector. This project incorporates learnings from previous GFEMS efforts to incentivize micro-contractors, independent contractors who employ 5-20 workers apiece, to adopt ethical behaviors, eliminating exploitation in the construction supply chain.

    About Sattva

    Sattva Consulting | LinkedIn

    Sattva believes that addressing complex societal challenges requires a fundamental shift in the way businesses, societies, governments and other stakeholders engage with each other. Sattva helps organizations design and execute inclusive models that are innovative, economically viable and add equitable value to all the different stakeholders involved in the chain.

    Sattva is committed to the goal of vanquishing poverty in this lifetime by co-creating models that are scalable, sustainable and globally relevant, by serving as a bridge across varied stakeholders, by designing and implementing solutions that can bring long-lasting impact.

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