Technology is a force multiplier in ending modern slavery.


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    GFEMS is partnering with ELEVATE on multiple projects in multiple geographies in multiple sectors to end forced labor and exploitation.

    In consortium with Diginex Solutions and Winrock International, this project developed and piloted a mobile application to provide Bangladeshi workers with a suite of tools to make informed decisions about labor migration to the Gulf Cooperation Council countries. The app was developed in ongoing consultation with hundreds of migrant workers, ensuring the tool directly meets their needs.

    Over the past two years, with FCDO support, ELEVATE, with its consortium partners Winrock and Diginex Solutions, built and piloted SafeStep, a mobile application for Bangladeshi workers migrating to the Gulf countries. In this follow on phase, ELEVATE is expanding SafeStep to a second destination: Malaysia. ELEVATE and its consortium partners will adapt the existing content on the app to the Malaysian context; create new, Malaysia-specific content (e.g. information on the manufacturing sector); embed a grievance mechanism in the app to provide more comprehensive support for workers at all stages of the migration journey; and increase promotion of the app in Bangladesh and Malaysia to increase uptake.

    Migrant Workers Empowered by Mobile App

    Former Secretary General of the Bangladesh Association of International Recruiting Agencies expressed the need for embassies and destination countries to adopt SafeStep, citing “digitalisation in the entire migration sector” as the key to ending migrant exploitation. Barrister Shamim Haider Patwary, MP, called the app a “real milestone in the migration sector…a modern approach and landmark in the migration justice system.” Learn more about how SafeStep is making migration safer for migrant workers.

    Read More about SafeStep

    ELEVATE developed a risk assessment tool to engage brands in detecting the risk of unauthorized subcontracting in the apparel supply chain in India. The tool will help international buyers and retailers to increase their visibility over the supply chain and potentially identify the risk of forced labor deeper in their supply chain. The completed tool will be used in conjunction with a remediation plan to bolster brands’ efforts to reduce the risk of unauthorized subcontracting and forced labor violations.

    This project deployed the Laborlink mobile survey technology to detect forced labor in informal ready-made garment factories, which are often excluded from traditional government and brand oversight measures. ELEVATE, with its local partners Bangladesh Labour Foundation and Phulki, surveyed over 12,000 workers, including close to 3,000 children, creating a picture of widespread forced and child labor in two industrial production hubs in Bangladesh.


    ELEVATE joins “Comprehensive Action towards Forced Labor Eradication (CAFE),” the Fund’s multifaceted effort to eliminate forced labor in the Brazilian coffee industry, to provide workers an avenue to report exploitation. ELEVATE will work with local partners to establish a grievance mechanism meets the specific needs of coffee workers. The grievance mechanism will act as an entry-point to “the Flow”–a new protocol the Brazilian government has developed to coordinate services provided to survivors.

    Over the past two years, with FCDO support, ELEVATE, with its consortium partners Winrock and Diginex Solutions, built and piloted SafeStep, a mobile application for Bangladeshi workers migrating to the Gulf countries. In this follow on phase, the consortium will expand SafeStep’s functionality to include a user pathway for employers, including educational content to help employers take action to prevent forced labor and an in-app survey to collect anonymized data on workers’ migration experiences.

    About ELEVATE


    ELEVATE is the industry leader in sustainability and supply chain services globally. ELEVATE designs, builds and manages data driven sustainability linked programs with assessment, advisory, program management, and analytics that drive positive impact.

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