Cathy Zimmerman, PhD
Co-founder, Gender Violence and Health Centre
Cathy Zimmerman is a behavioural and social scientist and co-founder of the Gender Violence & Health Centre at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Professor Zimmerman specialises in research on migration, health and gender-based violence. She produced some of the first findings on the health and trafficking in Europe and led the largest study to date on the health of male, female and child trafficking survivors in the Mekong (Cambodia, Viet Nam and Thailand). Her current research includes the Millby Research Programme on child domestic work and a 12-country survey on migration. Recent work includes a five-year evaluation of the International Labour Organization’s Work in Freedom programme in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Lebanon and Jordan. Professor Zimmerman previously led a multi-region study on exploitation, trafficking and migrant health in Peru, Argentina, Bolivia and Kazakhstan and research in the UK (PROTECT) on the health needs of trafficking survivors for England’s Department of Health. She is the author of the World Health Organization’s WHO Recommendations for Interviewing Trafficked Women and Caring for Trafficked Persons: Guidance for Health Providers by the International Organization for Migration and LSHTM.