We examine how companies can ensure that all modern slavery incidents receive appropriate and effective remediation.

Roles, Responsibilities, and Rights: Setting a Precedent for Remedy

  • Supply Chain Management
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    Following the final event in a five part series of webinars, hosted in partnership with the International Organization for Migration and the US Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, GFEMS is pleased to share our latest briefing: Roles, Responsibilities, and Rights– Setting a Precent for Remedy.

    The briefing provides an overview of the discussion held during the webinar, as well as highlights key themes for supply chain actors, recommendations for promoting responsible recovery, and an overview of the challenges faced in supply chains relating to modern slavery.

    Webinar description: Even the most robust risk mitigation planning is not infallible. Companies need to be prepared  for when incidents do occur. In our final panel, we will examine how companies can ensure that all modern slavery incidents receive appropriate and effective remediation.