Modern data analytics have the potential to improve detection of modern slavery in supply chains. No perfect app or model has yet emerged, but breakthroughs appear imminent.
Following the third in a five part series of webinars, hosted in partnership with the International Organization for Migration and the US Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, GFEMS is pleased to share our latest briefing: Predicting and Verifying Modern Slavery Risk-Practical Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics
The briefing provides an overview of the discussion held during the webinar, as well as highlights key themes for supply chain actors, recommendations for promoting responsible recovery, and an overview of the challenges faced in supply chains relating to modern slavery.
Webinar description: Modern data analytics have the potential to improve detection of modern slavery in supply chains. They can narrow the focus so that supply-chain teams can better prioritize their efforts. They can make predictions that enable preventative action, not just reaction. No perfect app or model has yet emerged but progress is steady and breakthroughs appear imminent. In this session, we look at efforts already underway, the challenges they face, and what companies can do to help unlock the full potential of AI and other forms of data analytics in the fight against modern slavery.