Protecting children is the responsibility of the entire community.

Sexual Exploitation of Children in Kenya: Changes in Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices

  • Commercial Sexual Exploitation
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    From November 2020 to October 2022, GFEMS supported Terre des Hommes Netherlands (TdH) to implement the “Building A Future” (BAF) project. Designed to combat the commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) in Kwale and Kilifi counties- two known sex trafficking hotspots in coastal Kenya- the BAF project centered on community-based prevention methods, formal education for young survivors, vocational skills training, apprenticeships and job skilling for older survivors, and improvement of household livelihoods for the most vulnerable families of survivors of CSEC.

    To assess whether BAF’s package of community interventions led to measurable change in community knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) regarding CSEC in coastal Kenya, GFEMS contracted NORC at the University of Chicago to lead an independent evaluation. This endline assessment was commissioned to answer the following questions:

    1. Knowledge. To what extent did TdH-BAF increase awareness of CSEC victim identification, reporting channels,
      and referral mechanisms among community leaders, schools, and households?
    2. Attitudes. To what extent did TdH-BAF improve beliefs among households around positive social norms that
      discourage CSEC?
    3. Practices. To what extent did TdH-BAF improve CSEC reporting, willingness to report/intervene, case monitor-
      ing, and use of response and referral pathways among community leaders and schools?

    Among the key findings, the BAF program demonstrated some positive impact on community KAP, and BAF participants demonstrated a positive shift in attitudes towards CSEC on all fronts.

    For more key findings, download the brief now.

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