Home Reports
August 24, 2021
Commercial Sexual Exploitation
Characteristics and Prevalence of Child Sex Trafficking in the Kampala Region
Through March and April 2021, ICF and the Department of Social Work and Social Administration, Makerere University, undertook a respondent-driven sampling (RDS) study, involving in-person interviews, in Kampala to measure the characteristics of commercial sexual exploitation (CSE) and to estimate the prevalence of children among all people engaged in CSE. This study, along with our …
Read this postAugust 19, 2021
Commercial Sexual Exploitation, Ethical Recruitment
The Impact of COVID-19 on trafficking in Kenya and Uganda
Responding to COVID-19 in Uganda and Kenya: In the spring of 2021, GFEMS commissioned a series of interrelated studies to assess the short, medium, and long-term impacts of COVID-19 on vulnerable populations in key sectors in Kenya and Uganda and identify ways in which GFEMS-funded programming can be adapted to better support them. The studies revealed …
Read this postAugust 18, 2021
Commercial Sexual Exploitation
Estimating the Prevalence of Child Sex Trafficking in Uganda
Karamoja is a rural region in northeast Uganda. The majority of internal trafficking child victims in Uganda are ethnically Karamojong. Karamoja’s extremely high rate of multidimensional child poverty (84%) and a traditional acceptance of migration for livelihood increase children’s vulnerability to commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC). Although child sex trafficking is believed to be …
Read this postJune 29, 2021
Domestic Work, Ethical Recruitment
Shattered Dreams: Bangladeshi Migrant Workers during a Global Pandemic
The onset of the global pandemic exposed migrant workers to additional adverse situations, making them even more vulnerable and exposed to health risks. Existing weak labor systems in GCC countries combined with poor living conditions, restricted access to health care, scarce legal protection and limited information have amplified the vulnerabilities of the migrant worker population. …
Read this postJune 7, 2021
Hidden, Unprotected, and Vulnerable: Supporting Informal RMG Workers in Bangladesh
An analysis of Bangladesh’s existing legal standards for the apparel industry reveals significant gaps in protections for workers in the informal ready-made garment (RMG) sector. This study, conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago with support from GFEMS and the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, provides recommendations on how government stakeholders, brands, and …
Read this postMarch 30, 2021
Domestic Work, Ethical Recruitment
What we learned in our first programs in Vietnam
Between 2018-2020, GFEMS funded research and advocacy efforts focused on labor migration from Vietnam. These efforts were carried out in partnership with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the University of Massachusetts Lowell, and the Responsible Business Alliance. This briefing presents summarized findings from across these efforts and represents inputs …
Read this postMarch 29, 2021
Commercial Sexual Exploitation
If knowledge and risk perception gaps among children, families, and the wider community are addressed, child trafficking can be prevented
Gaps in knowledge and risk perception on the child trafficking (CT) and commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) are among some of the key drivers for continued exploitation of children in West Bengal, India, a new GFEMS-funded study shows. The study, “Understanding Child Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in West Bengal India”, was …
Read this postMarch 17, 2021
Domestic Work, Ethical Recruitment
Prevalence of forced labor among migrant workers from Vietnam
Labor export and associated remittances have become an important solution by the Vietnamese government to create jobs and alleviate poverty in rural communities. Each year, tens of thousands of Vietnamese leave the country to work overseas. Japan and Taiwan have in recent years become the primary destinations, accounting for the majority of the country’s total …
Read this postMarch 3, 2021
Domestic Work, Ethical Recruitment
Modern slavery risks in the Vietnam-Taiwan migration corridor
In 2020, GFEMS funded a study, conducted by Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), in collaboration with Verité, Ulula, and the Fair Hiring Initiative, with Vietnamese migrant workers at four destination workplaces in Taiwan through an anonymous, encrypted mobile-based voice survey. The study aimed to capture insights into the recruitment and employment experiences of Vietnamese workers in …
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