Norwegian government partners with GFEMS and contributes 100 million kroner to support Fund’s global efforts

Norwegian government partners with GFEMS and contributes 100 million kroner to support Fund’s global efforts


The Norwegian government has announced a contribution of 100 million kroner ($11.6 million USD) to the Global Fund to End Modern Slavery (GFEMS) to support its continued efforts to end modern slavery by making it economically unprofitable.

In 2017 Norway signed the call to action to end modern slavery issued by the United Kingdom at the UN General Assembly. This newly announced contribution to GFEMS further demonstrates the Norwegian government’s public commitment to ending modern slavery.

GFEMS looks forward to working with its Norwegian partners in addition to existing partners around the world to continue building and coordinating a coherent global strategy to end modern slavery. The Norwegian government’s award will support and escalate the Fund’s strategy to increase resources for the anti-trafficking field, proactively engage governments and private sector partners, fund transformative programs and technologies to reduce prevalence of modern slavery, and ensure robust assessment of impact across all partners and programs.

“GFEMS welcomes Norway’s leadership and partnership as we build global momentum towards ending modern slavery alongside governments, civil society, and companies around the world,” said GFEMS CEO Jean Baderschneider.

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